tall fescue grass

Maintain a Lush, Green All Year Round Tall Fescue Turf Lawn in Australia

Have trouble maintaining the lush, green look of a tall fescue grass lawn all year round in Australia? Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or have your own lawn for the first time, StrathAyr’s detailed guide to tall fescue turf maintenance gives you all the knowledge and techniques necessary to achieve a thriving, beautiful lawn.

How to Mow Fescue Grass

Follow these lawn care guidelines to ensure you’re mowing your grass properly:

  • Mow fescue grass with a blade height of 30mm to 60mm to promote deeper root growth, drought tolerance and weed prevention
  • Frequent, light mowing at the right height is more beneficial than extensive mowing
  • Although grass clippings provide valuable nutrients for the soil, it is important to avoid excessive build-up of grass clippings

Tips for Watering Fescue Grass 

Proper watering is important for maintaining tall fescue grass. Follow these watering guidelines to make sure your grass receives the appropriate moisture:

  • Deep, infrequent watering is the best way to improve root growth; tall fescue grass benefits from about 30mm of water per week (about 2 hours)
  • Ideally, fescue grass should be watered in the morning so that the blades of grass can shed excess moisture by sunset
  • If your lawn has wilted or grass appears discoloured, increase the frequency, but avoid overwatering

Pest & Disease Management

Here are some pest and disease prevention measures for fescue grass:

  • A combination of proper mowing, watering and fertilisation will keep your lawn healthy
  • Avoid excess nitrogen fertiliser as this makes grass more vulnerable to disease
  • Regularly inspect your lawn to help identify early signs of disease, which can then be treated using appropriate insecticides

Aeration & Overseeding

Aeration and overseeding are essential for maintaining tall fescue grass:

  • Your lawn should be aerated once every two years to address soil compaction and improve nutrient penetration
  • The most effective method for fescue grass is core aeration
  • Overseeding the lawn in a timely manner will also prevent bare spots and promote the density of turf; keep in mind that good seed-to-soil contact is essential for germination

Weed Control

To keep weed growth under control, we recommend the following steps:

  • Inspect your lawn regularly and remove weed growth manually or by using herbicides
  • Overseeding helps your grass grow thickly, crowding out weeds and making it difficult for them to survive

Decades of Lawn Growing Experience in Australia 

Are you having trouble achieving a lush, vibrant lawn? Contact StrathAyr’s lawn care professionals for high-quality fescue grass delivery in Australia.