Budget-Friendly Landscape Makeover Tips in Australia
Landscaping a backyard doesn’t always have to break the bank. With a little bit of creativity and a minimal budget, anyone can turn their yard into a sanctuary. Over the years, StrathAyr has compiled a list of innovative landscaping tips such as planting native varieties, group planting and saving on fertiliser costs by using homemade compost and drought-resistant grass turf in the form of instant lawn. Keep reading and contact us with your queries or to place your order.
Native Plants
Adding plants to a garden can be expensive. Exotic varieties are often far costlier than local, native plants, require a lot more maintenance and find it difficult to thrive in the climate. Native plants are naturally adapted to the local climate and soil. They are more able to survive with minimal care whilst providing food and shelter to local wildlife and insects that are beneficial for pest management.
Planting in Groups
Rather than filling up a garden with many different plant varieties, it might be more beneficial to plant multiple plants of the same type. This reduces the initial cost of plant purchase and creates a more consistent look in the space. More importantly, it allows you to simplify plant watering and maintenance.
Replace Fertiliser with Compost
Why spend hundreds of dollars on factory-made fertilisers when you can create high-quality compost at home? One of the best ways to save money is to invest in a compost bin for kitchen scraps, leaves and other organic matter which, over time, will yield free compost that adds nutrients to the soil.
Choose a Drought Resistant Grass Turf
A simple way to transform a backyard is to purchase high-quality, drought-resistant instant lawn grass that uses minimal water, repairs itself and thrives in sunlight and shade. At StrathAyr, we offer customers a wide range of grass turf options such as TifTuf Bermuda Grass, which is highly drought-resistant and capable of withstanding significant wear and tear.
Drought Resistant Instant Lawn Varieties in Australia
Contact StrathAyr today for a wide range of self-repairing instant lawn turf rolls that are low-allergenic, easy to maintain and thrive in sunlight and shade.