When it comes to turf and instant grass, rest assured we know a thing or two. Whether you’re after a beautiful backyard or something a little more unique, StrathAyr has the variety, knowledge and experience to help you bring your project to life.
The StrathAyr Team also service some of the world’s most renowned sporting stadiums, race tracks and training pitches, from Happy Valley to the MCG and the Toowoomba Race Track. Read about some of the projects we have been involved in.
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthNRL ELITE TRAINING FACILITY
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthNRG STADIUM
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthHONG KONG STADIUM
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthMOE RACING CLUB
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthMACKAY TURF CLUB
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthTOOWOOMBA RACE TRACK
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthNEWCASTLE JOCKEY CLUB
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthWIN STADIUM
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthCREDIT UNION AUSTRALIA STADIUM
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthGUANGZHOU HKJC TRAINING CENTRE
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthMOWBRAY RACECOURSE
June 13, 2019/by supermonkeystrengthAdditional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions: RTF Tall Fescue, Australia
Commercial, Residential, StoriesFrequently Asked Questions: RTF Tall Fescue, Australia
Rhizomatous Tall Fescue, also known as RTF grass, is a type of turf that produces rhizomes instead of seeds. The rhizomes are like stems that run under the soil and spread quickly, resulting…

Choosing Durable Instant Turf for Play and Sports in Australia
Commercial, Residential, StoriesChoosing Durable Instant Turf for Play and Sports in Australia
StrathAyr’s team is the leading supplier of instant turf for some of the very best sports facilities in Australia. In this blog, we provide you with detailed information on factors…

Year-Round Maintenance Guidelines for Roll Out Turf in Australia
Commercial, Residential, StoriesYear-Round Maintenance Guidelines for Roll Out Turf in Australia
At StrathAyr, we understand that lawn care can be a complex activity that requires a deep understanding of climate, soil, fertilisers and more. Even the most experienced gardeners…